America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

It is veterans day today where we honor those who take of the uniform of defenders of our freedom. Today, that comes from an unlikely source-the Daily Illini with no less than three articles espousing the importance of our service men and women.

one such article is the revelation of the U of ILL's hostility to making veterans collegiate experience an adequate one. No news here, as the UI has a long history of laying veterans on the sidelines. Yet, if the TASSers in the DI had done their job properly in the past, the University of ILL's poor standings in the Best for Vets list would come as no revelation.

No doubt the sycophantic praise of veterans and pro-veteran policies-both of which the DI has abhorred since 2001, is the result of verbal, and (if its copious advertising for the Global Campus fiasco is of any indication) a very likely monetary directive.

Yet the DI all but ignored the revelations back in 2007 when the University of ILL conspired to revoke and remove its promised MBA scholarships to veterans in the College of Business. Championed by Rob Van der Hooning with support of Pat Quinn and Rahm Emanuel, the scholarship program was removed by administrator's including BJ White, Herman, Ghosh, DeBrock, and Ikenberry (David). White later used his position and via then-Chancellor Sylvia Manning to weed out Van der Hooning. When he objected to the railroading of the veterans who were promised, not to mention the unethical actions by we have all come to expect now by the clout-filled crowd, he was illegally fired.

We could go on, but for a much better summary, read it at
Marathon Pundit.

Ghosh's rationale that there were "too many jar heads" and his attempt to run them out of the program by bumping up deadline dates without informing the applicants, besides being underhanded, strikes us as pandering as well. After seeing the racist and hate-filled harangues concerning veterans coming from the likes of employees such 9/11 "Truther" David Green (who now has
sunk to a new low accusing veterans of enlisting just because "they think it's cool to blow people away) , or even DI employees such as Chelsea Fiddyment or Amy Allen, we are left with no doubt exactly who the administrators concerned are pandering to.

More telling is the status of those involved: the ethically-challenged BJ White is now continuing to extort the taxpayers behind a near-invincible fortress of tenure. Ghosh is imperator now of economic development, not to mention clout appointments of state senators' spouses. DeBrock now is dean of the College of Business, and one of the clout masters.

Meanwhile the DI only printed a
few words from Van der Hooning, and an entire accusation from Robin Kaler. The TASSers at the DI spout their false praise for the day, knee deep in their own complicity.

Posted by Hound No. 9

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