America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Michael Hogan Resigns

Michael Hogan has resigned. I confess that this comes as a surprised to me (some of my fellow Hounds are not).

Hogan was a disappointment. Not because of what he did, but what he did not do. He did nothing to fix the scandal that caused his predecessor's demise-he never fired White, Herman, Hurd, or any of the others involved. He never fired Ghosh, ask questions about Frerich's appointment. He never fired Renee Romano or Anna Gonzalez. David Green is still collecting a pay check for...something. He has not lowered tuition, improved quality of applicants, nor brought any kind of faith in the U of ILL back to the people of Illinois. 

Oh yes he did manage to fire Dr. Howell. There is that.

Posted by Alpha Hound