America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Update on White Case

The Bloomington Pantagraph reported via FIOA requests that the Jon A. White fallout has cost Urbana $2.6 million dollars. The district is trying to recoup money from Dist 5, where they knowingly hired White from. The district's insurer has paid roughly $90k, and has authorized amounts of $1.6 in tort bonds. Still, do not be surprised if Urbana looks for tax increases to cover the cost.

Posted by Hound No. 4

We have updated on a RABIES Alert we posted earlier. The lawsuit of Blake J. Robbins v. Lower Merion School District over allegations that the Harriton High school was using cameras and laptops to spy on students at home continues. Originally, the school claimed that the camera and tracking systems on the laptops are used as a method to detect lost or stolen laptops. As the media scrutiny and time passes on, the school’s position has continued to grow more erratic and incredulous-almost as much as Heidi Hurd’s ever-changing testimony during the admission scandal.

At first the school had
no comment, and a sizable time after claimed it [the tracking system and camera] was just for locating stolen laptops.

The plaintiffs have said that the school used video capture to
punish the suing student for drug use (later to be revealed as Mike and Ike candy). The administrator has now been named as vice principal Lindy Matsko. The suit specifically names her and alleges she told Blake on Nov. 11 that the school thought he was “engaged in improper behavior in his home.” She allegedly cited as evidence a photograph “embedded” in his school-issued laptop.

Also, it appears that the school new of parental concern over two years ago.

The school’s response is a classic educationalist response: attack the student.

The school , rather than address the charges, has gone on an ad hominem spree, ranging from accusing the student for having a personal grudge against the administrator in question, to accusing the family filing suit for using the lawsuit as a means of extorting money from the district to pay off debts. [N.B.: The school did not level this accusation. It has merely repeated the suggestion put forth
here. The source in itself is highly questionable-including burying at the article's bottom that Mr. Robbins' current lawsuit is not about debt, but an attempt to recoup withheld commissions.]

The family’s attorney has since denied this (who, in fact, himself has indeed taken the Robbins to court for delinquent debt. and has said that the payment of the laptop use was never a previous issue. Also, the family has moved to turn the suit to class action status.

Joining the family are free speech and civil rights groups, inclding th ACLU, the SPLC, and others.

The FBI is also currently involved in the investigation of the school for possible privacy violations.

We will continue to monitor this very alarming case.

Posted by Hound No. 4