America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Hounds will be on the move until Sunday. We'll post on the DI and other revelations at that time.

Tali Ho.

Posted by Alpha Hound
The TASSers over at the DI live up to their textbook definition in a piece of journalism malpractice on Wednesday. First, they printed what they generously refer to as a question and answer with BJ White, considering the fact that White did not answer anything. In this pathetic tete-a-tete, not once did they ever even bring up the fact that White was using his position to lobby for special admissions for his own family members.

Posted by Hound No. 9
Governor Quinn has decided that he is not interested in running Francis Carol nor Montgomery out of town after they played the race card, with the assistance of ILL local race-baiter Bobby Rush.

Meanwhile he has appointed Chris Kennedy, who has no relation whatsoever to the U of I. Also appointed Lawerence Oliver, who was appointed to the state's Executive Ethics Commission in 2004. By Whom? Rod Blagojevich, of course.

Business as usual.

Posted by Hound No. 6