America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Over at Duke, it seems that the Flying Squirrel is not the only one given to flight. Now it is the Water Buffalo's turn says the Chronicle. Hackney lackey Moneta is off to Croatia to ostensibly study "how Duke provides student services and come back with new ideas."

All the more power to him, we say. There may be something for him to learn in a former USSR holding. After all, Moneta, Brodhead, et al. showed the nation already that their sense of civil rights and due process in the "student services" they provide would have made Stalin proud.

As commentators on the Chronicle board point out, the timing is suspicious. With the lawsuits against Duke now underway, it cannot look well for Duke when the most egregious of its offenders (first Baker to Vanderbilt, Curtis is now gone, Lubiano in Europe) in a long string are going away from the place where they perched and pecked their vitriol. We wonder if indeed Moneta must take the stand at some point, if he will come back. For us watching, this can only be a taciturn admission of guilt by Moneta, if not by Duke entirely.

In something that can only be described as comedy (similar to Moneta's awe-inspiring capitulation to the obvious during the Penn State affair when he declared "all speech is free") Moneta describes his self-imposed ostracising in his typical self-congratulatory, bureaucratic blather: "I'm not going in with a parochial view that the way we do things is the best way to do things or the only way to do things." We are glad you think so. As you have demonstrated at just about every academic institution that takes pity on you, we know that your "way of doing things" are most certainly not "the best way."

Meanwhile, in typical Duke fashion, Moneta's role will be filled by someone just as vile as him. Just as useful as replacing dead light bulbs with dead rats, Moneta will be covered by Sue Wasiolek. Given her fair share of contributions to screw over the students at Duke ala Wes Covington, we are just as confident as she is more than capable of taking up Moneta's "responsibilities" to ensure that no Duke student is treated fairly.

In closing, we address our question to Wasiolek: Did you also recommend to Larry before he leaves that he should also not hire lawyers? He may need them soon. And in the same line, you are also right, Dean Sue. You, we think, are going to find your "
attention diverted" quite a bit in the near future.

Posted by Hound No. 2