America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Monday, April 5, 2010

One Year and Still in the Dog House

One year has gone by (quickly), since the Dogs of Blog have trotted out and it certainly has been quite a year. When several of us wired bassets formed together, we had no idea what we were getting into, nor what an exciting and tumultuous year it would be.

Here are some of the highlights of the year that we have covered:

  • The continuation of the Jon Andrew White Case

  • The continuation of the Duke Lacrosse Hoax

  • The arrest up of Frank Lombard

  • The assault on free speech against Tim Lantham

  • The spying on students in Lower Merion, Pennsylvania

  • The arrest of Crystal Mangum

  • The downfall of ACORN

  • The appointment and subsequent depravity of Roland Burris

  • The Witchhunts at Southern Illinois-Carbondale

  • And the Major "Cloutgate" scandal that took down the most powerful criminals at the University of ILL

Those are just a few. Since then, we have commented on notable blogs such as Durham in Wonderland, the Volokh Conspiracy, IlliniPundit, and others. We have had more comments from readers than we expected, surprisingly the majority of them positive, including one (presumably) from as far as North Carolina.

For all our work accomplished, we have much more to do. This will be a busy week. Yet, we do wish to take out time to those who have supported us thus far.

Best wishes from your cyber canines.

Posted by Alpha Hound