America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Dunnit

The admissions scandal (no doubt to the dismay and frustration of the UI administration) has gone well beyond the fenced yard of ILL and to California following Linda Katehi.

In an article for the UC Davis, White comes to the defense of Katehi, at the expense of... Richard Herman?

But first this selection:

"I do not believe that Provost's (my, aren't we possessive, White?) Katehi (it goes here, you know) bane has appeared in the press for the simple reason that she had no involvement in admissions cases that are fueling the controversy," White wrote in an email to [president] Yudof.

That is quite a declaration from a man who originally claimed that there was
no controversy, nor where there any admissions classified as Category I. Either
White has finally come to find out what happens on his own campus, or his pithy
attempt at denial has ceased to be effective even to himself.

The most curious part of White's testimony, however, comes next:

"The reason [she had no involvement] is that the chancellor [emphasis added] handled these matters directly with the admissions director and, in some cases, the deans."

Sorry Herman, BANG!

Posted by Hound No. 6

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