America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cantor's Commencement

Nancy Cantor is keeping up with her academic integrity, and has found Joe Biden, serial plagiarizer, to be Syracuse's commencement speaker in one of many graduations across the country. Biden had plagiarized work while a student at the school as a result of him "simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully." A more accurate and eye-opening appraisal of the results one garners from a modern university education can hardly be found.

The TASSers at the Daily Orange, who gladly gloss over and actively praise Cantor's attacks on free speech of any kind (unless plagiarized or Cooked) were pleasantly amused by Biden's casual dismissal of his (or is it?) work.

Plagiarism, of course, is no longer a crime in academics anymore, as case after case after case has demonstrated. Instead, the meta narrative makes them all play dead.

What does the Ivory Tower consider crimes these days? This:

Saying "guns."

Being yourself.

Posted by Hound No. 7

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