America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Monday, July 6, 2009

Duke of Puke

Following on the heels of No. 4, back over at Duke, (which attracts sexual assault scandals as much as Vin Diesel attracts photo-phobic, flaying alien predators), yet another scandal erupts with all the outrage as the lacrosse scandal.



In the Duke's continued resemblance of some Greek tragedy, it appears that the title should not be Oedipus Rex or Oedipus at Colonus, but more aptly named Pediphilius Text or Pediphilus at the Colon.

As the Chronicle reports, Frank Lombard, a Duke official and associate director for the Duke Center for Health policy was arrested for prostituting children for sex. Specifically, his own adopted son.

Congratulations to Duke University which has finally broken a long held monopoly on statutory rape by groups such as the AFT and NEA.

Online chatting sessions have been cited that Lombard was interested in incestuous relationships with children.

What is the major story behind this? Answer: Lombard is gay and his adopted son is black. Black rape at Duke? Surely Houston Baker and Karla F(ulla)C(rap) Halloway are protesting this one. Surely Lombard is "a farm animal" and Halloway has written another "Coda," Lubiano has called Lombard "a perfect offender."

A good example of the Duke University outrage over Lombard's actions can be heard here.

Just as Katie Rousse got shafted by Duke officials (well, in a different sense than Lombard's son got shafted), the silence behind Lombard's actions has been quite telling. The two events-the Jermaine Burch rape of Rousse and now Lombard have shown no similarities between the response from them and the rush to judgement and vitriolic hate speech and actions that came out of the media, faculty, administration, and other academic bastions of lunacy across the country during the Lacrosse Hoax.

Renegade professor Mike Adams over at has Lombard's wish list off of amazon, which as he very effectively demonstrates, is quite telling. The Free Republic and World Net Daily both are frothing at the mouth that the media, which went hog-wild over the lacrosse allegations has been silent up to now. We Hounds have checked and even the Foxes have been mum.

The most important question to ask at this point is how long Brodhead et al. have known about this? Could be a Heidi Hurd moment for Duke...

Posted by Hound No. 2

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