America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Dunnit

The admissions scandal (no doubt to the dismay and frustration of the UI administration) has gone well beyond the fenced yard of ILL and to California following Linda Katehi.

In an article for the UC Davis, White comes to the defense of Katehi, at the expense of... Richard Herman?

But first this selection:

"I do not believe that Provost's (my, aren't we possessive, White?) Katehi (it goes here, you know) bane has appeared in the press for the simple reason that she had no involvement in admissions cases that are fueling the controversy," White wrote in an email to [president] Yudof.

That is quite a declaration from a man who originally claimed that there was
no controversy, nor where there any admissions classified as Category I. Either
White has finally come to find out what happens on his own campus, or his pithy
attempt at denial has ceased to be effective even to himself.

The most curious part of White's testimony, however, comes next:

"The reason [she had no involvement] is that the chancellor [emphasis added] handled these matters directly with the admissions director and, in some cases, the deans."

Sorry Herman, BANG!

Posted by Hound No. 6

What's the Matter with Kansas?

An update on an early commentary we had about Tim Lantham:

The teacher at Lawrence High School in Kansas has
been vindicated and reinstated by the superintendent after being wrongfully dismissed by the principal of LHS for his political views.
In response to the actions by the high school administration, students (led by a self-described liberal) launched efforts to reinstate him, including an
ever-growing group on the popular juvenile web community, Facebook.

Mr. Latham's attorney wrote a response that could possibly make even FIRE blush:

Mr. Lantham's victory demonstrates that where this government abuse, ordinary citizens still have recourse to civic engagement and the mechanism of self-government to correct those abuses. Today is a day the Lawrence community ought to take great pride in, and the bulk of the credit goes to Mr. Latham's students who-contrary to the common characterizations of today's youth as cynical and apathetic-took it upon themselves to engage the process and fight for what they valued."

Superintendent Randy Weseman states that a number of procedures for teacher evaluations were not conducted properly or at all.

The matter seems to point to Jan Gentry, the so-called principal of the KENNEL. Gentry apparently had issues with Latham for criticizing Obama and supporting Sarah Palin.

"I would start asking why we are paying a school administrator this salary if she [Gentry] is not going to be doing her job." Thus said by Latham, after Wessment said that "injustices" surrounding Latham's reappointment had been "confirmed."

The question now is will Gentry go though "evaluations" for her role of

  • Making ad-hominem critiques about Latham's political beliefs in an official (though now revealed unsupported) inquiry?
  • For denying due process to Mr. Latham?
  • For relying on hearsay reports of one student, whom fellow classmates (some from the opposite side of the aisle as Latham) have rebuked and ridiculed?

We are currently trying to find the contact information for Superintendent Weseman to inquire if indeed any inquiry to Gentry's actions have been made. We will also demand that they are initiated if none are currently underway.

Posted by Hound No. 4

Summary of UofI Admissions Scandal

Here is the rundown of the Scandal thus far:

  • The Chicago Tribune breaks the story that the University of Illinois has seated unqualified (or less-than qualified) applicants based upon relations to ILL political connections, in particular to those connected to Rod Blagojevich. The case points to intervention including that of Joe White and Richard Herman.
  • White denies that the list even exits. (First Lie)
  • White later concedes that the list exists. He sends a statement where he makes audacious claims that include: this is common and acceptable (!!!) practice at other intuitions (namely the ones that he has previously administered-convenient). He also claims that the program is justified that because the list is small it is insignificant. Finally, despite being a belligerent opponent of removing favoritism and discrimination in admissions at UM and universally, he bizarre claims that he himself [emphasis added] believes applicants should be admitted solely on the basis of merit. (Second Lie)
  • The Tribune posts emails of Richard Herman (who had denied being any part of the scheme) shown to be smoking gun evidence of blatant activism on behalf of under-qualified applicants by no less than the person occupying the office of the chancellor.
  • he scandal sparks outrage by alumni, students and community members. Several state representatives call for investigation by legislatures into the roles that BOT members, White, Herman, and other had in the admissions of connections. The Tribune reports that White was involved with admitting relations of convicted Blago fundraiser crony, Tony Rezko.
  • ILL representative Boland calls for White, et al. to resign.
  • White calls for internal investigation. Quinn announces his own investigation. Quinn's council to investigate turns out to be a sham when it is revealed that his appointments include a former Clinton Administration counsel, members of race groups with tie to pro-affirmative action lobbying. Hardly a sounding repertoire for objective viewing of admission processes.
  • White issues a statement calling for cooperation in the investigation and promises to offer whatever the panel requires. (Third Lie)
  • The Tribune sues the White administration for the transcripts and supplementary data on the applicants concerned.
  • The panel requests the same material for its investigation. White breaks his promise of cooperation and hides behind abuse of the FERPA act (something that occurs in other campuses).

As the observer can note, the admissions scandal is in itself despicable and telling of the way White has tyrannized the state through the UI. Yet, the scandal, whether it leads to criminal proceedings or not is only the larger aspect of far more visible and straight-forward wrong. The ethics of admissions aside, the mere fact that White (let us not forget Herman nor the BOT Blago toadies) has been dishonest to the public on at least three occasions since the scandal was publicized demonstrates res ipsa loquitur that he cannot be trusted to continue in his current title and public office (an office, which he has no democratic claim to, we might add).

We think that in ILL territory, that even the most bitter Cubs, Cardinals, and White Sox rivals can agree on "three strikes and you're out!"

Posted by Hound No. 6