America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The time has come to correct the record. We can finally put to rest all those pesky, right-wing rumors and accusations that ACORN monopolized the voter fraud industry. Well to all the bellows of Limbaughs and Becks, we stick out our tongues.

Okay, but not like that.

The Ant, in his usual form, has the link to the story. The NEA has offered a novel way of getting out the vote.

John Leidecker, of the Rhode Island branch of the NEA, has been arrested on charges that he "used false information" and masqueraded as Rep. Gablinske, who was beaten by a pro-union candidate in the primary. According to the story from WPRI, "Rep. Gablinske filed a complaint with the police prior to the Nov. 2 election alleging that someone was sending out e-mails falsely claiming to be from him."

Said Gablinske, "The NEA is really organized crime and [to] resort to these types of tactics during campaigns."

The Tea Party must surely rue its disorganization now. After all, they could only manage
open challenges and confrontations of elected officials in town halls and getting attacked by them on the street. How can they possibly compete with the public unions' willingness to trail blaze with ever-new methods of skulduggery (although there is something to be said about the full-frontal [to-the-face] method as practiced by the SEIU; it's hard to argue when you lay beaten in the street).

The NEA leadership claims no knowledge-a claim that is quite embarrassing. Leidecker as an assistant executive director, winning $115,099 working for the teacher union, is far from the standard bottom-feeder lackey. Does the NEA really have no clue as to what its executives are doing?

Of even more cause for concern is the revelation that Leidecker could not even spell Galinske properly. Surely one would assume that a high-level broker in the most-ardent force in public education that is tasked with educating our youth could manage, even if engaging in election fraud, to learn their ABC's.

So as a lesson learned, make sure you all check your email again from now on. It might be not be yours. And if happens to be porn, be careful-it might
be the work of an NEA exec.

Posted by Hound No. 4