America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tribune Attacks

The ones who brought us "Cloutgate" are now suing the UI for admission records. The Tribune continues to take the leadership role on this issue and initiates the tribunal power of the people, while Springfield dances around it. There will be more on that in another post.

The University will no doubt try to circumvent the procedure by bizarrely hiding behind FERPA, which has nothing to do with the issue. The students have been caught in the middle of White scandals constantly, and yet White, in a Reinhardt-esque fashion, merely warps them to do his dirty work.

FERPA abuse is not novel to ILL. Other cases abound of institutions abusing FERPA to hide from public scrutiny and culpability. There is more info at FIRE

Posted by Hound No. 6