America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Comission Findings

The findings of the committee chaired by Abner Mikva regarding the illegal admission actions by UI officials have been approved today, and we are waiting to view the text of the forty-five page report once it becomes available.

Highlights we overheard from WDWS include the resolution that Pat Quinn should call for the resignation of the complete body of the Board of Trustees. Trustees Shah and Larry Eppley have already given up the ghost.

Also, minor details of the report leave rebuking remarks that White and Herman both had willfully tampered and engaged in unethical acts unbecoming of university leaders. While the commission unfortunately does not in itself call for their complete and immediate ostracism, it does recommend that the new board have a complete and thorough review of them.

We hope to add more information, commentary, and citations as, once again, the commission report becomes available.

Posted by Hound No. 6


The News Gazette now has the story with a link to the findings of the comission report.

As the story implies, blame goes around to several administrators including Herman (obviously), White (even more obvious), DeBrock (who we warned you all about several weeks ago), and Hurd (who's behavior has become even more guilt-ridden and erratic)

There will be a look at each player in the future now that the report is out.

Posted by Hound No. 6