The New Jersey Education Association (the same oufit that is trying to downsize the popularity of "The Cartel" film) finally got religion. That's right, they have gotten on their knees and held their card (or whatever they use in place of rosaries) and prayed for the death of newly elected NJ governor Chris Christie.
The NJEA has done some damage control, saying the leaked memo was a private joke.
Cristie pounced on this too with all four paws, and mused, "They said they didn't intend it to be public. So, private prayer for my death would have been OK?"
Will the NJEA's new heavenly weapon work? Who knows? Though we cannot see how much good a divine DEFCON 1 will do against a man who's name is "Chris Christie."
Let us suppose that the NJEA gets its indulgence granted, and Christie goes the way of the NJEA's other favorites: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, etc. Did you see Michael Jackson's funeral? To get an outing by the NJEA like his, Christie would have to have been quite an incredible person!
Posted by Hound No. 4
[Update 4/13/2010]
Chris Christie has called on for the head of the chapter responsible to resign.
Posted by Hound No. 4