Laughable is here in the courts opinion:
The Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Abuse Act imposed criminal penalties for willful violations of reporting requirements, which we trust will give Illinois school officials an extra incentive (if they needed one) (emphasis added) to disclose their teachers' known acts of sexual harassment.
Three items of note:
- "The Illinois Abused.... Act imposes criminal penalties for willful violations of reporting requirements.
Really? The opinion of the court does not seem to support that.
- ...which we trust will give Illinois school officials an extra incentive (if they needed one)...
They did. That was what the suit was about. And yet the appellate court seems to forget that Carmelita Thomas plead guilty to knowing full well what White was over at the Normal district. How could she know and Dist 5 not?
- "...known acts of sexual harassment."
Well, was it known or not? The court seems to have trouble making up its mind. But more important, this is NOT sexual harassment. This is child molestation by a government employee.
Posted by Hound No. 4