Duke professor Gary Hull authored recently "Muhammad: The 'Banned' Images," a critique of the Yale U Press' prostration to political correctness by censoring Jyette Klausen's "Pictures that Shocked the World." So monstrous this odious censorship that even the reliable shills at the AAUP condemned the move. According to the press release on FIRE (no pun intended. This time), the book by Hull is "A defiance against the censors, terror-mongers, and their western appeasers." The statement against the censorship that Hull wrote about has been echoed by big time names including prominent members of FIRE, Nadine Strossen, Cary Nelson, and Eugene Volokh.
The banning of the photos from the Klausen book by the YUPpies was extraordinary, but by no means surprising. Rather, simply another example of the further degradation of the higher ed.
What is also quite extraordinary is the institution one where one my find Professor Hull:
We find a professor and director of a " program for values and ethics in the marketplace" (that is "values and ethics in the marketplace," not Duke, which has neither) here should take up the banner uplifting. Yet we fear for him considering the actions already taken against Klausen. We can already imagine Miriam Kooke frothing as Lubiano sharpens her claws to make sure, in the spirit of Wiegman, that Hull never again strays from the template.
Posted by Hound No 2