America has quite literally gone to "the Dogs"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

H88 Comes to University of ILL

The News-Gazette has listed some events   that the University of Clout will be offering under its generously-named "Inclusive Illinois" Initiative, regarding the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Apart from the list having a rather one-sided nature to seriously be taken as "inclusive," there is another feature of note.

One of the guest lectures is Thavolia Glymph, described here as simply "an author. However, Glymph is also a member of the Duke University faculty . A look at her publication shows a large block of no publications between 2003 and 2008. This is unfair because it does not show a couple of very important publications in her position as a member of Duke during 2006. 

In addition to being a cosigner of the infamous "Group of 88" libellous, racially-motivated,  and politically-correct prejudgement statement  thanking protesters for making noise about what happened to "this young woman" (who is now awaiting trial for murderand carrying signs saying "castrate" and "confess" during the now-notorious Duke University Rape Hoax. Of course, Glymph also signed the following so-called "Clarifying Statement" which did nothing to clarify anything, only to falsely claim that the original statement had nothing to do with the lacrosse players (now thoroughly discredited since the letter's creator, Waheema Lubiano stated in writing that the statement was about "the lacrosse team incident."

But most horrific and damning was Glymph's final willingness to shed any previous or future attempts to disguise her own (or anyone else in the Group of H88) assumption of guilt of the lacrosse players. The DNA returns, which the Blagojevich of Law, disgraced and disbarred attorney Mike Nifong conspired to hide were eventually revealed to exonerate the players, Glymph complained,"we have been moving backwards." We can sympathize with her-it would be pretty hard to falsely accuse your own students of rape based upon their race and gender if the DNA is exculpatory, and the DA you supported is exposed as a fraud and a liar.

Nonetheless, that the U of ILL would consider Thavolia Glymph to come on taxpayer money to represent  the "inclusiveness" of Illinois, says precious little good about our state or University (not that there is much left to harm). Nor does it give the appropriate level of importance to a document such as the Emancipation Proclamation, when one of their participants was so, and continues to be, rabid about shredding the Constitution and the rights therein to her own student body.

Posted by Hound No. 2

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Michael Hogan Resigns

Michael Hogan has resigned. I confess that this comes as a surprised to me (some of my fellow Hounds are not).

Hogan was a disappointment. Not because of what he did, but what he did not do. He did nothing to fix the scandal that caused his predecessor's demise-he never fired White, Herman, Hurd, or any of the others involved. He never fired Ghosh, ask questions about Frerich's appointment. He never fired Renee Romano or Anna Gonzalez. David Green is still collecting a pay check for...something. He has not lowered tuition, improved quality of applicants, nor brought any kind of faith in the U of ILL back to the people of Illinois. 

Oh yes he did manage to fire Dr. Howell. There is that.

Posted by Alpha Hound

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hardly- unexpected disgust with the revealed agenda to ban the Three-in-One performance has resulted.

The longevity and singularity of the Chief tradition aside, the enduring nature of the Chief and his related issues can be explained by a history of back-door dealing, assaults on free speech, an Chicago-based subterfuge.

Familiar names and faces continue to impose themselves. Why the TASSers at the DI can at this point can even remotely consider Robert Warrior a credible commentator  for any matter at all is quite...interesting. Lest they forget on our behalf, in emails from FOIA requests by SFCI regarding Assembly Hall rentals for unofficial performances and the shadowy attempt to prevent them, Warrior wrote to Romano and Gonzalez, complaining that displays about the anti-chief movement had been damaged, in addition to other libels and claims so vile, even Gonzalez wouldn't touch. Afterwards, Warrior confessed that said actions were actually perpetrated by his own people in attempt to castigate chief supporters. "Incitement to resentment' indeed!

Concurrent with the Chief's "retirement," were mandates by ex-state senator and Blagojevich ally Emil Jones' shakedown demands that the university cease and the punish all future performances of the Chief or face the wrath of a cut in state funding (which happened anyway). Observers were quick to ignore Jones' strong-arming of the U of ILL and instead focus on NCAA sanctions-that is until the Tribune showed how Jones and steered in excess of 50 million dollars to Chicago State University, which in a statement to the Tribune, even its president was unequipped to explain. But Jones’ had little to fear since the entire Board of Trustee save one was comprised of Blagojevian appointments, and none, save one were from outside Crook County. A back door shakedown of trustees by Epply, and Jones’ own oppressive avatar, Francis Carroll lead the Illinois Press Association to declare the BOT and the U of ILL leadership winners of its annual "“Worsty”' awards for its skullduggery. In the due course of time, all involved with the Star Chamber passage of death on the Chief, from White, Herman, Carroll, Eppley, and the others were later implicated and revealed in the now-infamous U of ILL/Chicago-based Clout Scandal.

President and serial Clouter, BJ White, saw fit (as later revealed by the Sun-Times entitled "Something Smells and it's Not Roses) to reward handsomely his brand of leadership during the Chief retirement. Indeed, free VIP Championship Game Rose Bowl tickets were handed round, personally approved by White to Jones, Eppley, Carroll, Montgomery, and of course convicted felon Rod Blagojevich.

Coupled with censorship attempts by Herman during homecoming parades, music professors pushing to make opinions on the Chief a deciding factor in student admissions, and acts by Renee Romano and others to suppress appearances by Chief supporters, and now the most recent action by unnamed (despite FIOA requests) personnel ordering Houser to send patrols and students home from Marching Illini practice if they were apparel with Chief iconography, it is no wonder a strong support of stopping these initiatives is in place.

Ignoring the debate of the yet-to-be-proven claim of "racism" regarding the Chief, the manner and methods of the leadership, faculty, state, BOT and been consistently linked to the proverbial hip of censorship, duplicity, and Chicago corruption. And as long as that shadow alliance remains, the resistance thus seen will undoubtedly continue.

Posted by Hound No. 7

Friday, July 15, 2011

Call for Accountability in Higher Ed

Governors across the country are saying that Higher Ed needs to be far more closely examined to make sure it is living up to its astronomical cost.

Can you say, "duh?" 

Posted by Alpha Hound 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Keller's Resignation

Bill Keller has resigned as the head of the New York Times, leaving Jill Abramson at the helm of the "Paper of Record [number of Scandals, Inaccuracies, and Retractions]."

Not surprising, the Right over at Newsbusters and Timeswatch has taken this opportunity to attack the pair for every misstep including the John McCain- staffer hit piece, Jayson Blair, and the Times rush-to-judgement in the Duke Rape Hoax (Surprisingly, the harangue at Newsbusters did not include the Time's the shady dealing with

We imagine some more pertinent reactions concerning Keller and Abramson's roles in perpetuating Nifong's reign of terror to appear this weekend or next week. Hopefully, DIW will have something to say.

Posted by Hound No. 2

(Updated 6-2-11)
Your color has been changed No. 2, since the change in background makes your font otherwise illegible.

Posted by Alpha Hound

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The U of ILL has announced it will appeal the earlier ruling concerning the release of students names on the Category I list. Posted by No. 6

Friday, April 1, 2011

Unless this is a major April Fool's joke in conjunction between the CHE and K.C Johnson, this just in: Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax Lawsuit goes Forward The timing is fortuitous, as a post regarding the case was pending here. It will be published, along with some additional observations with the latest revelations in a few days. Posted by Hound No. 2